Monday, April 04, 2005

3rd Sunday of Easter

3rd Sunday of Easter notes of the gospel lesson

For this week's gospel lesson my first thought is, why are these two disciples leaving? Why are they going home?

They had heard from the 12 or the women that Jesus was no longer in the tomb, so why leave?

Why did they tell this stranger about all their personal thoughts? Did they feel comfortable with Him? Why did it take so long to figure out this was Jesus?

Jesus did not reveal himself to these disciples at first why not? Was it a test?

They were not afraid to go back to Jerusalem to tell the others what had taken place. Did the meal with Jesus give them courage to return?

Does communion for us in this day and age reveal Jesus to us? Or is it too much of a ritual to have any meaning.


At 2:29 PM, Blogger Toad734 said...

I doubt this event ever really happened

At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then what's the point of commenting on it at all? Honestly. Of course you're welcome to believe that, and I don't have the strongest of faith many days, but if that is all you have to say, why say it? Your comment wasn't constructive, didn't make much sense, and didn't give any really helpful insight. Either God is working some purpose in having it there, literally, historically factually true or not, or God doesn't really care about it being there at all. Or maybe there's no God, in which case it's kind of funny to spend time talking about biblical texts. Rather a waste of time, I'd think. I don't mean this at all in a condemning way, but I'm just trying to understand what your point is?


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